For those that aren't aware of what the 7th player is, here's the run down! The boys got a special jersey to wear and keep, then they got to go into the the Kings locker room before the game and listen to the team talk and get their photo taken with their favorite King! As if that wasn't awesome enough they then get to skate out with the Kings for the on ice warm up, then stand with them for the announcement of the starting line up, then get introduced as the 7th player, and then finally they get to stand on the blue line with them for Oh Canada. It is truly an incredible experience for minor hockey kids in our community and I am so happy that they each got their chance to experience it!
Jordie was up first back in mid-December for his special night!

Getting ready to head in to the dressing room!
The jersey was huge and went down to his knees!
He chose Hunter McKoy - who was one of the Kings that came with us for trick or treating back on Halloween as well! This kid is great and we all loved him when he spent a few hours with us that night. Kennedy still talks about the green M&M guy :)
Standing to sign the national anthem.I didn't take many photos...I chose to video more instead :)
Jordie's little buddy Henry was there in the tunnel waiting for him!
Henry's mom Alicia is the Kings photographer and a long-time friend of mine and snapped some pictures of both of the boys too! Here are the photos that Alicia took of Jordie!
He looks so serious waiting for his big moment to be introduced!
I love this fist bump photo so much!
BIG smiles as he skated off when the anthem was done!
Video of Jordie's big skating debut with the Kings
Being announced as the 7th Player!
It was James's turn this past Saturday night and he was so excited...and SO NERVOUS for some reason too! Funny how each of our kids is so different!
James chose Levi Glasman as his favorite player!
These are the photos that Alicia captured for me of James on the ice!
Standing waiting for the anthem to start! I think it's funny how far away James stood from the players!
Big smiles looking over at Alicia and his dad in the tunnel
Singing Oh Canada! Both of the boys were upset that they had to leave their helmets on for the singing of the anthem as they know the respect aspect of taking off your hat and are always super diligent about it, but also understood the safety rules of the Complex as well and why they weren't allowed to do it too!
He was so excited when he skated off the ice and said that the player closest to him said that he was a good singer :)
Such a happy moment for our biggest guy!
Now James's turn to skate with the Kings!
And his turn being introduced!
Two things about this post:
1) Yes I cried when both of them skated out and when they were announced too. I wish the audio on Jordie's video to hear more of what they said about it!
2) If you are in PR and haven't signed your kid up to be the 7th Player it! And if the spots are all filled up for this year, then do it next year! It was so worth the two minutes it took me to do it, and it's a night that I know my boys will never forget.