Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Preschool show & tell - September and October

I haven't been nearly as good at keeping track of photographing Jordie's show and tell items like I did with James but I did not too bad for September and October!

Here's his first item! A favorite Mater truck that we've had for years now!

Then he wanted to take his Spiderman hat

Next up was his favorite stuffy "My Dog Spot"

The following Monday he had just found out he was going to be a big brother so he took his sign to show Janet and Laura and his classmates

He's a huge fan of Blaze and the Monster Machines and he found this book we bought James last year not even knowing who the book was about. He loves this book!

The last week in October saw him taking the little Mexican monkey that his brother got him from the resort we went to two years ago.