Not the best picture but finally a real picture rather than just the mirror selfies I've been doing up to this point. My last two pregnancies we were so good about taking weekly photos and I told Jim we have to get better at it so this baby's Belly Book is just as complete as the boys are. About that Belly Book...I have bought it but haven't started it yet! It's on my to-do list for when I'm off for the month of December!
For fun I figured I'd do similar pregnancy surveys that I did when I was pregnant with Jordie. James is the lucky one that actually has a whole Shutterfly photobook of my pregnancy with him (plus his Belly Book)...the next two will just have this blog and their Belly Books so I'm feeling like it will be fairly even'ish. So, here goes!
Pregnancy questions
Is this your first pregnancy: Clearly no.
How did you find out you were pregnant: Was heading up to go camping and realized I wasn't feeling very good and started to get suspicious, then checked my calendar and realized I was definitely late.
What were your first symptoms: Just a little bit of queasiness (but I think that was due to the realization that I was maybe actually pregnant!)
Who was with you when you found out: Jimmy
Who did you tell first: Ashleigh was the first person we told in person and that was weeks before we told anyone else.
Was baby planned: No, not really. It was originally planned, and then it didn't happen so we decided we were done, and then of course it happened.
When was baby conceived: Pretty sure this baby is our anniversary "present" to ourselves.
How far along were you when you found out: Just about 5 weeks.
About the baby
Do you want to know the sex of the baby: Yes we do.Do you know it yet: Not yet.
Will you find out the sex of the baby: Yes this time we will find out! We are hopeful that at our ultrasound in December the tech will be able to see the gender and will put it in the report to the doctor. Then she will write it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope and we will give this to our friend Jen who is going to make a gender reveal cake for us. Then we will all find out together at a big gender reveal party with our family and friends in January.
Any names picked out yet: Not picked for sure, but definitely some we are considering. Once we know the gender then we'll probably make a decision, but plan to keep the name a secret until the baby's birth.
Ultrasounds: First one was on October 7 (after we saw the baby on there we finally told our family), next one is set for December 20.
Have you heard the heartbeat: Yes, Jimmy and I heard the heart beat at our doctor's appointment on November 9.
Who do you think this baby will look like: I have no idea. Our boys both looked like their Daddy when they were born so I'm curious if it's a little girl whether she will look like me or like the boys did.
Have you and dad felt the baby move yet: No movement or feeling yet which kind of surprises me because I'm pretty sure by this time with James I had felt him move. With Jordie I think it was right around 16 weeks too.
Miscellaneous questions
Any morning sickness: Just some nausea and queasiness but no actual throwing up thankfully. And this time I didn't take any Diclectin either. I was able to suck it up better I guess.
Any cravings: A couple things like McDonalds McChicken or breakfast burritos, mini donuts, hot fudge sundae, chips, English muffins.
Mood swings: Not too bad, but I definitely find I have less patience than I think I usually do. I think this is just mainly due to the fact that I am so tired.
Are you considered a high risk pregnancy: Not high risk...but my doctor did cheekily tell me that I am of "advanced maternal age" now. If I'd gotten pregnant when I first tried for this baby I would have gotten pregnant at 34 and delivered at 35 so not considered high risk at all. But instead I'll now be 36 when baby is born :)
Any expected complications: No complications expected, but because of my two prior c-sections baby will be born via scheduled c-section, and if I do happen to go into labour naturally then I have been advised to go to the hospital immediately for a section to be done right away to not risk serious complications.
Plan to breastfeed or formula feed: This is an interesting question because I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I plan to do a post about this very soon actually.
Have you bought anything for baby yet: I should say no, but in reality I did purchase one little onesie that is red and says Nana and Me. It was just too cute not to get it! Other than that one thing I haven't purchased anything and don't plan to either until we find out baby's gender, then if it's a girl we do need to get some clothes because we have very little. We also need a new infant car seat!
How long could you wear your regular clothes: I could have worn then much longer than I chose to. As soon as we told our family and I told my bosses at work I got my comfy maternity clothes out of storage so that I could be more comfortable than I had. I would say by about 14 weeks I was definitely feeling the bloat and tightness of my pants (for the few pairs of non maternity ones I was still wearing).
Are you excited: Yes...and no (if I'm being really honest). I can't wait to meet the baby, but I am sort of sad to say goodbye to our little family of 4 and am worried about how the changes that come with a new baby will impact all of us.
Who will help with baby after it's born: Jim will be there as much as he can but if he goes away to school from the end of February till mid-April he may not be able to take much time off from work after baby is born. I'm hopeful that my parents will help out with the big boys so I can concentrate on my section recovery and caring for the new little one.
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant: At this point probably nothing. I am really looking forward to feeling the baby move and seeing the boys interact when the baby starts kicking, but right now I can't say I'm enjoying it all that much. I don't hate it like I did with my first pregnancy, but I don't love it like I did with my second. I'm just kind of blah about it.
What do you miss since being pregnant: Sleeping well and feeling like myself. I find the baby brain and exhaustion really hard this time and often I'm not feeling like the best wife, parent or employee these days!
Are you ready for baby: Not at all. I'm hopeful when I'm off in December that I'll get some stuff organized and then once we know baby's gender we will kick the getting ready into high gear.
How many kids do you want: This is definitely the last baby for us! There will be no more baby Barrows in our future and will most likely get my tubes tied during my c-section.
Do you talk to the baby yet: Not yet. I'm not sure why but I'm not feeling super connected to the baby yet and I'm pretty sure once I know the baby's gender and start feeling it move then I will start talking to it.
Do you still feel attractive: Nope, not at all. Feeling fat and frumpy with my bigger belly and my huge black bags under my eyes.
Have you had a baby shower yet: I'm doubtful that there will be a shower this time, not many people do that with 3rd babies!
Do you like kids: Yes, especially mine...and others that are well behaved!
How far along are you right now: Just over 16 weeks
Baby's due date: May 4, 2016 (but baby will most likely be born on either April 24 or May 1)