Thursday, May 16, 2013

What I thought May 16 was going to be

For most of my pregnancy I had today chosen as the day that I was going to push to have my c-section, and waited months to hear Dr. DuPlessis say that he would do it that day. However, as I said last week, when I saw him I changed my mind and went for next Thursday, May 23 instead, in hopes that my Mom would be feeling more up to meeting her new grand baby instead of 2 days after her surgery. I know it increases my chances of a VBAC delivery by a lot and I will admit that terrifies me a little bit, but I figure it is what it is and it will be what it will be. I keep telling baby to stay inside until at least Tuesday so we can enjoy our last long weekend as a family of 3, but we'll see if he or she listens. If they are anything like James I doubt they will and will probably appear today anyways! At least the hospital bag is packed now and my Mom is out of the hospital which were the 2 most important things, after that everything else can wait!

We have our last appointment today with Dr. Naude and I'm looking forward to it. Seeing James "help" him with measuring the baby and hearing the heartbeat on the doppler has made me feel much better about his acceptance of the fact that he will soon have a little sibling. Below is a video from our appt last week.

There are a few more things I want to get done before baby arrives and a few last minute strata things I want to finish too, so I'm spending today doing them in hopes that after tonight's meeting I can relax a little bit and not worry so much if baby does decide to come. Really, I'm 39 weeks now, he or she could come ANYTIME! I can't wait to find out what it is! :o)