Monday, May 13, 2013

It's gonna be a busy 2 weeks for our family...

Two surgeries booked and within 10 days we'll be down one cancerous lump and will be up one beautiful baby!

Mom's surgery is tomorrow and my scheduled c-section is next Thursday, May 23. I had been waiting 5 months to have Dr. DuPlessis agree to do my section this Thursday, May 16 but once we knew when Mom's surgery was going to be I willingly told him I would wait the extra week...knowing full well that I may just go into labour on my own which scares the hell out of me but I figure I'll cross that bridge if and when it happens!! Being there for my Mom this week for whatever she needs is far more important than guaranteeing myself the c-section. Many people say that a VBAC isn't that bad, so I guess we'll see if I have the opportunity to find out for myself or if my body holds onto baby until the 23rd. Bet you can guess which one I'm hoping for?!?!

My Mom is the strongest lady I know and I am taking whatever strength I can muster for the next 10 days right from her. I have faith that all will work out how it's supposed to and we will be a stronger family at the end of it. Please send your thoughts and prayers our way as we navigate these new areas of our world!