Sunday, March 3, 2013

28 Weeks - 7 Months

28 weeks

Due Date: May 22, 2013
Total weight loss/gain: + 12-14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes of course, still loving them too!
Stretch marks? Sadly yes...and getting worse near my bowel resection scar beside my belly button.
Sleep? Still happening but the dreaded leg cramps have started the past 3 nights so up at least once per night with that :o(
Best moment of this week: Having Jimmy talk to baby and every time it heard his voice it would kick at his face laying on my belly.
Miss anything? The feeling of not having to pee all the time!
Movement? Still not a ton of kicks out of this laid back little one but tons of rolling movements
Food cravings? English muffins and chips (staying away from sugary stuff the past few weeks after hearing I failed the 1 hour gestational diabetes test - still awaiting official results about whether I passed the 2 hour test)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, feeling really good these days in regards to this.
Have you started to show yet? Hahahahaha...yes! I had my first customer at work ask me about it, instead of just staring. And the first person reach across the counter and touch the belly too (don't worry it wasn't a random stranger, it was the mother of a childhood friend)
Gender: No idea...and hoping to keep it that way. Found out in the last month that we will need at least one more ultrasound so really hoping that at 34 weeks I can still resist the urge to find out.
Baby's name: Still open to boy name suggestions! Comment on my post on FB if you have any really cool names you think we'd love.
Labor signs: No, and hoping to have no signs of any labor (or pain for that matter)
Belly button in or out: Still there but definitely getting shallower by the week
Wedding ring on or off: Still the same...way too big so careful where I wear it. Will get it resized after baby is more.
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy these days, with only about 6 weeks left of work and then 6 weeks of quality James/Mommy time coming my way.
Any mishaps due to pregnancy brain: Nothing that I can think of in the past month.
Similarities/Differences between pregnancies: Very little heartburn this time and feeling smaller than I was then. Definitely more tired this time though with an active almost 3 year old.
Looking forward to: one last trip to Nanaimo at some point and James's 3rd Birthday Party!
Next doctor's appointment: Friday, March 8