Monday, April 16, 2018

I did it! I survived (and mostly enjoyed) my first day back to work!

Well I’ve now survived two days back to work, and I’m tired but happy to be back at the same time. I did tear up as I drove away from the sitters, but not because I was worried, just feeling a little tender hearted about being away from my kidlets. I have absolutely no reservations about where they are and I know it will be good for them to be with other people while I go back to being me a little bit. 

Things at my work are definitely different from when I left and I feel like there will be some adjusting on my part for sure as my job is looking largely different than it did when I left 13 months ago. That thought both excites and scares me, but I also know I’ve been scared in my jobs before and I’ve always figured it out and I have no doubts I’ll do the same again now. And the beauty part is that I’m returning only part time so I feel really good about being able to balance all of my many responsibilities, although I think I may have to get better at not procrastinating on things that need to be done 😉

I rarely post pictures of me on here, especially selfies, but this one seemed right to do so. It was taken while I sat in my still running van just moments before my 1pm shift was about to start, telling myself to breathe and that everything would be okay. A little teary eyed but feeling ready to conquer this new chapter in my life. 

My friend Sheri who’s watching the kids knows how much I love seeing photos of them during the day. This photo made me smile!

A rare natural smile for my Jordie boy is always nice to see you too!