Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Post #200 already? Family update time!

Wow, time is flying these days and the post number keeps climbing up there, as well as the pageviews too! I am loving having this blog to keep track of all the fun stuff about our family and our boys. Big changes ahead as I said last night and don't be surprised if this blog has even more photos and every day mundane stories so Daddy gets to see and hear all about what his boys are up to while he's away. Don't want him to miss out on stuff while he's off making us proud on his new adventure!

A few little Barrows family updates:
Jim - Leaves on Sunday, October 13 and starts his 20 day rotation on October 14. On his first set of days off in November we are planning a trip to Nanaimo so as soon as I know the dates I'll let everyone know as we really want to get a ton of visiting in so everyone can meet our newest little guy!

Me - Expect a mushy, whiny, sad post on the day he leaves because I'm pretty sure I may just be a mess! I am gonna miss that guy so frigging much, BUT, I have bought new flannel sheets for my bed which he would never have slept in so it's a tiny positive that I am looking forward to! Gotta look for the positives right?!

James - Loving preschool, talks NON-STOP, is the funniest and happiest little guy (although I do have a video of a tantrum he threw last week that I laughed at him throughout)! He is sleeping pretty good but is again being plagued by either night terrors or nightmares which makes for some long nights of him waking up screaming multiple times. Sometimes we can rouse him awake and he is fine, other nights he just freaks out more if you attempt to wake him. He never remembers in the morning which is good but it is hard to watch him so upset in his sleep. I read a few years ago when they started that most kids outgrow them by around age 4 so I'm hoping that's the case here!

Jordan - He's our big, happy, content, little monster! He's almost four and a half months old, weighing almost 20 lbs (if not more now, been awhile since he was weighed), and is sleeping for 11-12 hours a night consistently now. James was NEVER this good of a sleeper, even when he was a baby before the terrors started. We were always lucky to get from 9-5 from him, this one cries if he's not in PJ's and eating his last bottle by 8:30 and even if he naps till 6 like he did last night, he wants to be in bed, alone, asleep by 9. It is just absolutely BLISSFUL! Yesterday morning I had to go and check on him at 9:15am because he had been asleep since 8pm and I was starting to worry! One last Jordan tidbit ~ He rolled over last night for the first time! He was on his mat in the living room and I heard him start to cry so I knew it had happened. He's been trying for a few weeks now and obviously just finally figured it out how to move his shoulder out of the way. I walked in and he was not happy to be on his tummy at all but I'm happy he's figured it out! He's growing up so fast and I am truly loving EVERY minute of it!

That's it from us for now! Thanks to all those who follow our blog and especially to those that comment on it on FB. I love reading what people think and I so appreciate the support I've gotten when difficult posts have been published. We really do have the best family and friends ever!

Here's a few random pictures of Jimmy and I with our boys!