Monday, October 14, 2013

James and Freedo meet again!

I can't believe he's 3 and a half already! How did that happen so soon?!?! He seems so grown up these days, especially since Jordan was born, he started preschool and potty trained all within a few short months. He is such a funny little guy and his speech has really improved in the months since I've been home with him. Some of my favorite sayings and mispronounced words of his are: "I just have to tell you somefing", "Mom, it's Mr. Tobato Head" and "We are having scabetti for supper". His sleeping habits are still hit and miss, some nights are great, and some nights are terrible with multiple wake-ups for us with him screaming out in his sleep, or sleepwalking. The other night I woke up to see him coming back up the stairs towards our room, maybe it's time for the gate at the top of the stairs after all! He is a wonderful, loving, stubborn when he wants to be, mouthy but funny little character and all who meet him think he is pretty terrific too.

Daddy and I love you big guy and can't believe how little you started out and how big you are now!

Here's his journey with Freedo!
1 Month

6 Months

10 Months

1 Year

18 Months

2 Years

2.5 Years

3.5 Years!