One thing that Powell River has never had before is a pumpkin patch. I've always envied the October photos of my friends with their kids at various pumpkins patches in other places and wished we had one here. A few days ago on FB a friend posted a picture of her and her son at a local farm that has a bunch of picked pumpkins for sale. It may not be a patch where you can go and physically pick your pumpkin but this is the next best thing. The work is done, you just show up, take a few adorable kid/pumpkin photos, pick your pumpkin, pay the kind old farmer man for it, and be on your way! For any local Mommies reading this, the farm is on Kristensen Road near Skeeter Jacks and is open from 10-noon and 1:30-5. We showed up at 12:03 today and he was closed for lunch so we had to go back out there later this afternoon so just warning you not to do the same thing!
Anyways, here are my photos of the week of my boys...of course from today at the farm!
Starting off with this handsome young man of mine! So many cheesy smiles these days but then sometimes I get a random great natural one. This one is a framer for sure!
Who doesn't love a baby sitting among some pumpkins?
And of course we attempted one of the two of them. Not great, but not horrible either!
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"