Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Crib Tournament Results - 2021 and 2022

I first wrote about our annual fun crib tournament in a post called 2021 Crib Tournament - how many games can we play in 365 days?

I always intended to share the results of that tournament, but clearly my total lack of 2022 blog posts would mean I never did. So, as suspected, Jim has now beat me two years in a row. The kids and I joke that it could be many years before I actually beat him, but I do believe that it WILL HAPPEN! 

So here are the stats: In 2021 we played a total of 162 games! Jim won 92 games to my 70 games. He had 13 skunks + 1 double skunk to my 8 skunks. I remember one particularly horrible day where he skunked me twice and double skunked me all in the same day. Why in the hell did I keep playing him after the first skunk/double skunk?! 

Just for fun, we also play for MONEY! We pay .05 cents per hole and .10 cents for each hole in a skunk. In 2021 Jim won $115.40 and I won $74.95 so he was the overall winner of $40.45.

In 2022 - we sadly only played a total of 95 games all year :( We went through almost 2 months and didn't play a single game. We struggled with a lot of things in 2022 and this was just one of those things that we didn't often find the time or energy to do.

2022's tournament ended up being a way closer race but in the end Jim won 49 games to my 46 games (10 skunks to my 6 skunks). His winnings totaled $66.65 to my $43.15 so he was money winner of $23.50 and again the overall game winner.

I'd love to see a year where the games won are close but the money winner is the opposite person. It could easily happen...but I will admit that 2023 is NOT feeling like my year either. I am already 0/4 of games played so it's not looking great! Still lots of games left to play and we're hoping for more time and energy this year. 

We still LOVE this crib board we bought off Wayfair in 2020. We use almost every time we play together. And in this photo you can see the trusty black book that holds our scores and our cards too!

Camping is always our main times to play crib. This past year I'd say at least 30% of all of our games played were while we were camping in the spring/summer

If you've never played this game and you love crib, you should try it out! It's called Crib Wars and it's crazy. It screws with the rules of cribs and makes you have to play really strategically and that doesn't always mean scoring the highest hands possible! We don't play it a lot but this weekend up at the Woodson's cabin on Lois Lake we did play quite a few rounds on it! 
Living the cabin life during my favorite weekend of the whole summer! I got a wicked sunburn but we played so many games that weekend. 

I love this last photo....our Jordie boy has learned to play crib too! He loves playing the game, while the other two have zero interest in learning. This kid is so much like his daddy!