Saturday, September 14, 2013

He's moving on to his new room

I can't believe we are here already. Jordan is just about 4 months and we said that once we came back from housesitting at my parents that we would make the transition from bassinette in our room to his crib. I'm worried about how it will go as today Jordan woke up with his first cold and has been a bit fussy for most of the evening. I tried to put him to bed in his room after his 7 pm bottle and hoped/expected that as he normally would he would go to sleep and we would wake him around 10:30 or so for his dream feed. But it has definitely not been so easy tonight, he would not go to sleep until he was snuggled on the couch beside me. Once he was asleep I moved him to his crib and he woke up about an hour later and Jim is now attempting to feed him. We are again hoping he will be able to go to sleep for the night as he usually would at this time but the poor little guy is pretty stuffed up and coughing and is clearly not feeling like himself :o( Let's hope for a good night, and if not then I'll bring him into bed with me propped up in the nursing pillow as I did with James when he had his first cold. Let's hope for the best that that isn't needed!

** While waiting for the photos to upload Jim called for me because Jordy threw up his whole bottle, I'm guessing from a combo burp/cough that brought it all back up. Poor little guy is so congested and fussy. He's now asleep in Daddy's arms and I think it may turn into a night of sleeping sitting up in the chair in his room. Just another night as a Mommy. **