Friday, March 20, 2020

These are my people

To say it's been a crazy two weeks would be one hell of an understatement! Ever since we got back from the Island from our weekend away it just seems like everything is so surreal with the massive change to our daily life. 

 I've got so many thoughts about the past 2 weeks and the coming weeks ahead of us. After tonight's post I'm hoping to go back to daily posting. I just got out of it and then it always seems strange to get back to it! So for now here are some pictures from a little more than 2 weeks ago, before anyone had really heard too much about Covid-19, social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine. 

My thoughts about all the interesting ways that 2020 has changed me already are coming up in future posts later this week! 

For are my people!

I wish I was as cool as she is!

My little yoga buddy

Home "sick" for the day while his Dad was asleep upstairs after graveyard shift...I came home and this was his idea of lunch!

So apparently I don't take a lot of photos of Jimmy so here's one from the beach last night. bangs look terrible in this photo! hahahaha