Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday Self-Reflections - Part 3

The concept of being enough and feeling like you are enough is a strange concept to grasp sometimes. For me it is closely tied with my self esteem and self confidence in every aspect of my life. I often struggle with feeling like I am not enough to everyone who wants/needs me. 

Some days I feel like I am rocking this crazy chaotic life that I've created for myself, and then other days I just feel like I'm failing everyone and everything. I know in my heart that that is far from the case and I would say that almost everyone around me would say that I haven't let them down and am always there when I'm needed. But, in saying that sometimes by always being there for others, I'm not there for myself in the most positive ways that I need to be. This is the new balance I'm trying desperately to reach by making and taking the time for me, without feeling the guilt that I should be doing something for someone else instead. It's asking for help when I need it and then not feeling guilty for asking for what I need. 

This meme spoke to me when I saw it on Pinterest and wanted to share my thoughts on it. I like these little reminders that I am always enough, and that my best on any given day is better than not trying at all. I get up every day and try. Sometimes I do awesome, and other days I just barely survive the day, but I still try. Trying is what is most important to me. And being reminded, even by a silly post like this, is enough for me to feel more positive about myself. It's a great reminder for everyone to see.