Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday Top Ten - Barrows family

This is another new post I'm trying out! If you have any other suggestions for possible Tuesday posts let me know in the comments on FB or IG cause I'm liking having some jumping off type points to get these posts started.

So this weeks' Tuesday Top Ten is all about the Barrows Family as a whole. I'd like to do a separate one for each of us in the coming weeks too but we'll see how far I get :)

(10) We've lived in our 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse for 10 years already. We both would love to move to a house with a yard and it's definitely in the plans for one day down the road but for now we still fit (barely...but that's not because of the size of the house, it's because of the sheer amount of shit we have crammed in here!)

(9) Jim and I have been married for 11 years and together for 15 years now. We've had some really incredible years and some really tough years, but we're still here making it work. Marriage is hard, and marriage with little kids is even harder. Every day brings its challenges, but also its victories. We have always worked as a good team together and have tried our best to prioritize raising them certain ways above other things.

(8) The number 8 is my favorite number ever and if you are ever near me when I'm around any kids and I tell them to pick a number between 1-10, just know that the number will ALWAYS be 8! And yes I have taught James that now so I can't do that with him anymore because then he always wins. :)

(7) We used to have a big fat cat that you might remember if you've been reading this blog for awhile. His name was Coal and he truly was my first baby. I loved that big fat thing so much and miss him often...but have absolutely no desire to get any pets any time soon. Once we have a house and our kids are a little bit older we will look at getting a dog or two or finish off our family.

(6) This blog is my happy place and I wish I had more time to devote to it, but I find the only time I find any motivation and time to do it is after the kids are in bed, which is usually when I'm just exhausted. I do find though that when I do publish a new post that I still love seeing the stats and seeing how many people read it and I love when people comment on the blogs too!

(5) Our favorite family activities are camping, swimming and spending our spring and summer at the ball park! So many wonderful memories have been made over the past 8 years since we became a family.

(4) We love to spend our Friday nights with dinner in the living room and a movie. We call it Friday movie night and the boys look forward to it so much. We usually do an easy dinner like chicken strips, pizza, ceasar wraps, grilled cheese sandwiches, etc. Then the boys usually fight over what movie to watch and it's usually decided by me or Jim just to stop the arguing :)

(3) We love our kids more than anyone else on this earth, but having three of them definitely has it's challenges. I knew it would be hard for sure, but with so many other variables at play in our life I can easily admit that a lot of days (especially lately) I feel overwhelmed by the life that I've created for myself. I know that this too shall pass and soon all my babies will be grown up and won't need me the same as they do now, so I figure I'm just going to hang on by the seat of my pants to get through the next few years and hope that one day, some how, my life gets easier and I don't feel so overwhelmed, over touched, over stimulated and over talked to!

(2) I tell my kids I love them a ridiculous amount of times per day. I bet I tell them at least 5-10 times each. I also say to them all the time "hey, guess what?" to which they reply with "I know, you love me" I also tell my mom I love her pretty much every single day too and have for as long as I can remember. I used to call her from college every day just so I would hear that I was loved by someone. I really believe it's so important in raising good kids for them to know they are loved and taken care of, and I hope my kids will one day tell someone else that their mom told them every single day that she loved them.

(1) We love to laugh and I think that we are a pretty happy and funny family to be around. We enjoy spending time with our friends and their kids, and also our family too. There are always a lot of laughs and fun times and I'm proud of the people that are in our inner circle these days. We have an amazing support system around us and we couldn't be happier with the love that is shown to all of us on a daily basis. We are truly loved and blessed, and we couldn't be more thankful for that.

** So that's it for my first Tuesday Top 10 blog post! ** Now to start planning next weeks post :)

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