This last year has brought about some big changes for my middle guy. He has blossomed into a super funny and challenging little fellow who loves to argue (sometimes I think just for the sake of arguing!) He loves big and truly gives the best hugs of anyone I know. Since I went back to work I am feeling and missing his presence a lot. He was my little buddy through some tough days with his little baby sister and I am happy to say that we lived through those days together. We spent a lot of time this past year with his little friends and I am so proud of the person that he has become. He has many many little girlfriends and not many little guy friends at all. Janet told me tonight that he is just kind of their little old soul at preschool. I can see that totally. He is definitely wise and mature beyond his years.
Here's to another great year ahead and learning more about what makes Jordie who he is and who he will continue to grow into. This next year will include a huge milestone called KINDERGARTEN! I can't believe that my second baby is already ready for this next step. He is so proud to be getting bigger and watching him at the ball park tonight happily telling every single person there that "it's my birthday today you know!" just made me even more excited (and slightly less sad) to see how much he grows and changes even more in his big year of being 5.
"Hey Jordie boy...guess what?....I love you buddy!"
Time for ice cream at Putters!
These two are so cute together!
Attempting to get a nice brother photo
Attempting to get 5 kids to look at the camera is damn near impossible!
Our yearly photo with our Jordie boy!
I love his smile in this one!
Checking out his new book from Nana & Papa
Big hugs for his favorite Papa guy
Checking out the book with Nana
I love how grown up and big he seems here!
We ran home quickly to snap his pictures with Harris the Bear tonight!
Birthday selfie with Mom & Harris
Are you surprised that we spent his birthday at the ball park? He got to pick dinner tonight and of course chose McDonalds! :)
There is nothing I love better than a happy and content 5 year old at bedtime.
Jordie boy...if you are reading this years down the road...I hope you NEVER forget how much I love you and how much you mean to me.