Saturday, September 30, 2017

A 7 year old conversation with James

This has turned into one of my favorite yearly posts to do and this year is no exception. I love hearing James's thoughts on different things and will continue to do these posts for as long as he'll let me!

What is your full name: Alfred James Barrows
If you could change your name what would you change it to: I would change it to Jim
How old are you right now: 7 years old
What did you do for your last birthday: I, what did I do? I don't remember what I did. Jordie chimes in: I remember, it was at the gymnastics club. Oh yeah, it was Star Wars.
Where were you on your actual birthday: In Vancouver, because of Kennedy Joanna. 

Your favorite things -
Snack: Treetop fruit snacks
Drink: It's obviously milk, come on
Vegetable: Cucumber
Fruit: Grapes
TV show: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Movie: Hotel Transylvania 2 (we had never seen it until last night!)
Game: Mario Kart Wii
Book: Night time Ninja
Toy: The Wii, right there (pointing at it)
Animal: The Lion
Holiday: Halloween, cause I get all the candy that I want (insert evil hehehehehehehe)
Restaurant: Magpies
Color: Red...Jordie chimed in with his trademark phrase "knew it!"

What do you love best about -
Me: I love you because you are pretty
Your Dad: Because he is intistic, he's a pretty good athlete. Jordie then adds for him: And he lets us pink belly him.
Your Brother: It's because he's fun to play with, very tough, really fast on his bike, and all those other things that a little brother like him could be like.
Your Nana: Because she always gives snuggles, I love LOVE snuggles
Your Papa: It's because he takes me golfing.
Diesel: Because he cuddles with me on the floor all the time and gives me kisses for love.
Kennedy: Because she's cute and everything a baby could be.

The coolest person on earth is: No one. All of you in this family is

When you're outside what is your favorite thing to do: Play squareball

What thing are you the very best at: Math, in my class

When you were little what was your favorite thing to do: at the ball park, at the tournament when I was doing the beer gardens, I liked to go crack open beers (chick...imitating a beer cracking open)

Where would you like to go on vacation this year: Mexico

What do you want to be when you grow up to be an adult: I want to be a mayor, so I can make the rules!

Here are some new questions for James this year (cause I was dying to hear his responses)
Where is the most wonderful place you've ever been? Mexico

 What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? I love you

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Play video games

What is the worst smell in the world? Poop (massive giggles from both boys), and also when my mom busts a fart. Ewwww

What makes you cry? When I get spanked

What are you scared of? I am scared of NOTHING.

What is your favorite song? Love Gun by the rock and roll band KISS, and I'm actually being them for Halloween

What is your favorite memory? Is going for lunch at the driving range with my family....Jordan, Nana and Papa

If you could, what type of animal would you be? A fish

Who is your best friend? Cooper Lawry

What is your favorite thing to do with family? Go out mini golfing

What is the most important rule? Hands to yourself

If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on? Nerf Guns

If Diesel could talk, what would he say? I love you James, come here

If you had super powers, what would they be? Fire power

What's the best thing about being a kid? That you do not have to go to work, and you get to play a lot which adults don't because they have to look after their kids, and the adults have to feed the baby, and the kids get to play while the feed the baby and all that stuff

What is something that you don't understand about grown-ups? Is that why they don't like to play video games? Why don't you ever play video games Mom?

What is your favorite word? Why? My favorite word is love, because it's a really caring word and it spreads across the world, having people join and making the world a happier place.

What do you dream about when you sleep? I dream about my shows and different ways of how I think of it being a good way as well.

What 3 words would you use to describe our family? The Barrows Family. I told him to give me 3 descriptive words so then he said we are smart, we are nice, we are caring.

What's something you'd like to learn how to do? Back flips

If you had to give away all of your toys but one, which one would you keep? The Wii

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do? Give away a few of my toys that I loved

What does your 7 year old self want to tell the world? That everyone is awesome!

Newest photo of James from our photo session with Jenn in late August