Thursday, September 7, 2017

Forever friends or forever love?

For the past 2 years these two little ones have been joined at the hip. They both love each other and irritate the piss out of each other. They take off to rooms and "play baby" together and rarely fight (as long as Jordie does as he's told). They sometimes play hard to get if one wants a kiss and the other doesn't want to (we never force it!) but usually always come around and leave any time together with at least a hug. They have both been known to start to cry just moments after being separated after a long day of preschool and daycare together. They regularly and spontaneously will tell each other that they love the other one and clearly are being shown at both homes how to express love to those closest to you. They have a true love and I hope that even if they end up as just friends forever that they always stand by each other, even through the awkward teen years. :)

PS: This is the first time I've taken these photos with just my phone and they look blurry to me. I usually always take my good camera but was rushing this morning and didn't! Oh well, they are cute pictures anyways!