Sunday, October 1, 2017

A 4 year old conversation with Jordie

Well it went slightly better this year...but still he doesn't say nearly the amount that his big brother does! 

What is your full name: Jordan...Jordan Barrows....Jordan Douglas Barrows
How old are you right now: 4 (with fingers raised)
What did you do for your last birthday: I didn't have my birthday yet....I don't remember
What kind of party did we have: I don't remember...Me: Was it Spiderman? Him: Oh yeah
Where were we: Me: You don't remember. oh yeah, at Haywire with our cousins.

Your favorite things -
Snack: Fruit Loops (not a snack I can recall him ever getting)
Drink: Milk
Vegetable: Carrots
Fruit: Orange
TV show: Power Rangers
Movie: I don't have a favorite movie
Book: I don't have a favorite book
Toy: I don't have a favorite toy...all of them are 100, I don't have a favorite toy
Holiday: I don't have a favorite holiday
Restaurant: Tim Hortons
Color: Blue, actually red...and blue, red and blue and yellow...and pink.

What do you love best about -
Me: Because you're so pretty
Daddy: Because he's so handsome, and he sometimes  he lets us watch the Ninjago movie, when you're in a restaurant eating by yourself.
James: Because he's so smart, and he loves me, and sometimes he gives me hugs
Your Nana: I love her because she lets us watch shows and sometimes lets us play on the Wii
Your Papa: Because sometimes he lets me watch his sports stuff.
Diesel: Because he so handsome and he is very excited of me and he loves to give me kisses
Kennedy: Because she's so cute and she's our baby

The coolest person on Earth is: Papa

A few more random questions that I chose for him to answer (I had hoped to do a few more this year but he was already fading out so just stuck with these 2 for this year) 
What thing are you the very best at: Playing baseball and I'm really good at playing basketball at bouncing the ball. I'm good at bouncing the ball.

What do you want to be when you grow up to be an adult: I want to be a firefighter. 

A few days later Jordie was with me when I asked James his questions and he wanted to answer a couple more too so here they are (there would have been a lot more but he just kept repeating what James said...and most likely because he knew it was irritating me...such a Jordie thing to do!)

If Diesel could talk, what would he say?: Hey come over and give me a hug

What is the best thing about being a kid: So I can learn how to play the Wii really good...and play N-Strike

What is the most important rule: To not put your hands in your mouth, cause then you'll get germs

If you had super powers what would they be: Ice, actually lightning

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do: Do a cart wheel (I have never seen him attempt a cart wheel ever!)

Who is your best friend? My favorite friend? Kinsley....and Maddie. Kinsley and Maddie"

If you could be any animal, which one would you be? A lion

What is your favorite thing to do with our family? Go to Magpies and eat

What do you dream about: I dream about that I am in the city, with stars and it's raining

What is one thing you want to learn to do: Front flips

What is your favorite word: I love you

Look at my handsome little brown eyed guy these days.