Saturday, May 28, 2016

Just a yucky flu!

The day after I returned from my trip to Alberta James woke up barfing at 5am. So I called in sick to work and spent the whole day with a miserable, lethargic and very sick little boy that couldn't even keep water down. By 5:30 that night we headed to the ER because I was worried he was getting dehydrated and because the Nurses Hotline Dr on call had me worried because she asked if he had hit his head and the day before he had fallen at T-ball. Within a matter of 12 hours the kid that thrown up over a dozen times.

So pitiful looking that Nana came and got Jordie to take him to daycare so I didn't have to take James anywhere

He finally fell asleep at about 2:30

Then woke up and moved over to my chair and promptly fell right back to sleep

At 5:30 we headed to the hospital and the poor kid just kept getting sick, on the way there and again while we were waiting.

Trying to eat a popsicle

Poor guy was pretty white and feeling pretty terrible BUT within about an hour from when this picture was taken he seemed way better. They gave him some anti-nausea thing under the tongue and he finally stopped throwing up!

Here he is the next day....he seemed totally fine but kept him home from school because his classmates were going on a field trip and I didn't want to take the chance of him getting anyone else sick!

Finally eating some real food!

Friday morning he woke up starving and asked to make a huge fruit smoothie before school. No, he didn't drink all of that, but he did have a huge mug of it along with a piece of toast.

Well about an hour later (and just 30 minutes after school started) I got the dreaded phone call from the school saying that James had thrown up in his classroom. YUCK! I was thankfully next door with Jordie at the preschool Strong Start program so I just ran over and got him and we made our way home. That afternoon I HAD to go to work so thankfully Auntie Mowat and Nana came to the rescue and agreed to watch my boys! He got sick one more time after supper on Saturday night and then seemed totally fine again. It was the weirdest flu ever.

Here is my Mother's Day morning photo....which happened about a half hour before Jordie projectile vomitted all over my chair (which then got on me...which anyone who knows me well knows that I was completely grossed out!)

This was our yummy Sunday dinner that my auntie put together for us because we didn't want to subject others to the awful flu

Later that afternoon he seemed fine but we made him stay close to his bucket (we called it his buddy)

Poor little fellow just wanted to snuggle

Then we went outside to get some fresh air and he looked so normal

Then the next day he went to Nana's for the afternoon but snuggled with Mommy all morning

I didn't want to take Jordie to the school on Monday morning so thankfully Aidan Parkin walked over to pick up James for me

So on Tuesday he seemed fine again so we sent him back to Debbie's house where he seemed okay, just to find out that at the end of the day he threw up again there. :(

Here he was Wednesday morning....looking happy and back to normal. 

Sadly he got sick again on Thursday so his little flu was so random and spread out over 5 days that we just kept wondering if he was really truly better. 

James on the other hand went a full 7 days between getting sick. The following Saturday morning just 2 days after Jordie finished getting sick, James woke up at the family garage sale and just didn't seem right. He got sick that morning, and again that night when he was with the new babysitter, and again in the middle of the night. 

It really was such a terrible week in our world! Jimmy woke up on Saturday morning and spent a bunch of the day on the couch but didn't actually get sick and even more lucky for me I didn't catch it at all!