Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It can't really be time for preschool already, can it??

I seriously can't believe that we are just a few short months away from Jordie starting at Busy Bee's. We went for his orientation night and he had so much fun.

I am both super sad (for me) and really excited (for him). I know how wonderful they are there and I don't doubt at all that he is ready to go, I just can't believe how fast time is moving. My little boy just seems so grown up these days and it's killing me. I feel like I want another year with him at home, but I know he's ready and will absolutely thrive and shine at school. He is just such an incredible little guy that I know Janet and Laura are going to have so much fun with him. Not to mention his best girl Maddie will be in class with him too, as well as his other little friends Kaleb, Tye and Ella.

Here he is in front of the sign. I can't wait to see how much he will grow over the years in front of this sign and I can't wait to take pictures of him as he does! 

So excited in there checking out all the fun toys they had!

Absolutely LOVING the playground outside too. I actually really love this photo of him too.

Attempting a photo with Kaleb

Here's the best one of the bunch that I got!

And of course a yummy ice cream afterwards to celebrate

Just 3 more months to go until he's off. I'm going to soak it up and enjoy it the best that I can!