I had to work on Valentine's Day from 8:30-2:30 but then as soon as I got home and Jordie woke up from his nap we were on our to the new elementary school around the corner to play some hockey. Well, let's be honest, the boys played hockey and I took some adorable photos of them.
He is such a cute little man these days, especially with his new glasses and his
not-awkward-anymore smile
And we're off!
Jordie/Mommy selfie
This kid could play hockey for hours, either here at the school or at Nana & Papa's
So cute!
This is his "WTF" look...I get this look at least a few times a day!
He's actually pretty good for only 21 months old
Yup, he totally licked that puck....YUCK!
Awesome brown-eyed boy
This is one of those randomly great photos that you don't expect
A favorite photo of James too! I know there aren't as many of him as there are of Jordie in this post but that's because he was far too busy playing to look at the Mamarazzi that was stalking him!
Awesome high fives for Daddy
These next 4 photos are probably my favorites of the whole post!
Very hard to get him to stop moving long enough for a photo
Me and my handsome hubby
Seriously look at this weather....it's February and James is wearing shorts! We couldn't be luckier to live here in beautiful Powell River!
I love this picture of James...I posted it in last week's favorite photos post
Laughing at me and trying to run away from me
It's time to chase Daddy
Daddy and his boys
Attempting a family selfie
Two new favorites of me and James
hahahahahaha....we were walking home and he got to the bottom of the stairs and just sat down and refused to get moving again. We walked a long way ahead of him (this photo is way zoomed in) before he finally got up and started walking towards us.
He definitely walks to the beat of his own drum.
Love it!
My Valentine's Day flowers and cards from my boys and hubby
And a few before dinner selfies with my boys
Our very yummy steak, garlic mashed potatoes and veggie dinner