Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Double J Photos – Week 52 – Dec 21 – 27

We're going to start off this post with my favorite photo of the two boys together in their new Ninja Turtle PJ's. The past few weeks there were no photos taken of them together but during the holidays I did manage to get at least a couple, even if there isn't one absolutely wonderful one where they are both looking. A mom can wish right? Either way, some great photos nonetheless!

Christmas morning and they both loved this M&M toy that I got in my stocking!

Christmas dinner attempt at a good photo, Jordie was having none of it

Boxing Day night there was a party at Uncle Ron's and the boys were wearing their matching Canucks jerseys

Would have been the money shot if the glasses weren't all funny! Maybe this is what made them all crooked! 

My snot nosed little guy just loves rubbing people's heads these days

Nice chocolate face there Jordie

James hanging out with Nana at the table while she makes a shopping list

BY FAR my FAVORITE picture of the whole week! I absolutely LOVE it!

Christmas Eve PJ's and the standard pants on the head photo

This picture doesn't show how happy he was but he was so excited that Santa brought him his new hockey stick

 A great photo of James and Nana

Another great photo of James from Christmas Day

And another one from Christmas night. I'm glad we seem to have maybe moved past the awkward smile phase? :)

During the Boxing Day party he was so happy just hanging out downstairs by himself 
jumping from pillow to pillow

Having a fight with Uncle Don and Uncle Ron...he had so much fun with these two! 

Big smiles from him while we drive through snow on the Hope-Princeton highway

Now moving on to Jordie who spent a huge chunk of his week laying on Papa's shoulder because he was sick with a bad cold and an infection that was causing him to have high fevers too.

Here he is mooching Cheerios off his Nana

And he's not sure what to make of this Uncle Ron guy. 

This is the super sick Jordan from December 23, the day we took him to the ER in Penticton

Reading books at the ER waiting to be seen. We were lucky to get in and out in just around 2 hours.

He wasn't all misery, he did have his fun and happy moments too

Christmas Eve dinner at the St. Martin's house, he whined through dinner and wouldn't eat anything, and then as soon as he was on his trusty Papa's shoulder he was out much that he didn't even notice we put his PJ pants on his head too. 

Like I said...OUT COLD! Now he's been moved to Uncle Ron.

Christmas morning and still not feeling so great. This was when he woke up just after 9am.

James wanted a hug too but he really wasn't into it.

THIS is how he was happy, just playing quietly by himself with cars

Breakfast smiles and giggles from our little guy. This was so good to see after a few days of him being pretty sick and miserable.

Using his new vacuum to "clean up"

This is how I found him on Christmas night. All dressed up and he found his boots and hat in the hallway and clearly just wanted to go outside.

Attempting a cute picture but you can tell he still wasn't feeling well. This night he actually went to bed before dinner, he was still sick and running a fever so went to bed at 6:30. 

We fed him dinner before everyone else but he wasn't really in to eating much the whole time we were away, which if you know Jordie you know that is not like him at all! 

Boxing Day morning and he is definitely feeling and looking a bit better!

And of course he had to help Nana vacuum! 

And the best part was the hanging out with Uncle Ron "playing" hockey on the PS4.

And he was so happy that Uncle Ron let him take a PS3 remote to bed with him that he snuggled right up to it

And that night he finally came out of his shell and seemed to be back to his old self...still shy and not sure of everyone, but starting to have a bit of fun too! 

The day we were leaving it started to snow and he couldn't wait to get out in it so luckily his awesome Uncle Ronnie took him out and taught him how to catch snowflakes on his tongue. 

We stopped in Princeton on the way home and got burgers from DQ...this is what Jordie thought of his lunch. He was a happy little guy! 

And here he is snuggled up in his car seat watching Paw Patrol on the DVD player. He ended up being a really good little traveller! 

2014 Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front of my eyes"

I can't believe the year is over and another year of weekly photos has been accomplished! Coming up next is a new yearly project name and a goal to only post up to 5 photos of each of the boys and to create more other posts with favorite photos instead of loading up the weekly posts! Let's see how I do with that goal!