So, we'll start our update with Daddy!
As of the beginning of October it's been exactly one year since Jim's new career working on the road began. It's been a tough year but one that has taught us a lot as a couple and as a family. He started with a new company called North American Construction Group at the Fort Hills site up near Fort McMurray. He is on a much better shift now of 14 days away/7 days home which is considerably better than the crappy 10/4 shift he worked all summer. The new company is 100x better than the previous one and we are hoping he gets brought back after Christmas. The one thing I've learned with the construction industry is that it changes all the time and you have to be prepared for lay-offs and new companies. I have faith in my husband and his work ethic and I know he will always do what he needs to to support our family. We are now debt-free except for our mortgage and van so we are on to saving for a new house!
Moving on to me!
I am still loving my new job, but loving it even more now that I am down to part-time. 17.5 hours per week is perfect and I love the evening shifts I work. I am mainly working 11-7 or 1-7 which most people would hate, but I love! The boys have dinner and get ready for bed with Auntie Sheri and Uncle Keith and then I get to pick them up, take them home for snuggles and books and then have some quiet time. It's actually really nice. I am finding myself super tired these days and not sleeping a full night of sleep since starting to night train James about 6 weeks ago. It's going well but rarely a night goes by where he doesn't wake up to go either go pee or has already gone pee. It's a process but we are working through it. In less than a month we are off to Mexico for a family vacation and I couldn't be more excited. We are leaving Jordie behind with my parents and although I know I will miss him I am really looking forward to 9 days of no diapers and non verbal grunting :)
He is one busy busy boy!
The past month has been very busy as always with James in twice weekly swimming lessons on Monday and Wednesday mornings, preschool Tuesday to Thursday afternoons and soccer on Saturday mornings. He is of course as funny as always, and so loving and kind that sometimes I just tear up watching him love his little brother, or hear him tell me that he loves me. I couldn't be prouder of him and even on his worst days he is still a wonderful little human being.
And then there is our youngest little human!
Here is Jordie, our almost 18 month old monster man as I call him. He is a super loving little guy who loves to snuggle with his Mama and has fallen in love with being read to. He is still a frowny little guy but if there is one person that can make him smile it's his brother. I'm surprised at how advanced he is at some things like wanting to brush his teeth or help with household chores, yet so behind other toddlers in the fact that the kid literally DOESN'T talk AT ALL! Who is he and how did he end up in this family of non-stop talkers?!?! Maybe it's because me and James just natter at each other all day that he feels he can't be heard?! I don't know. When it does happen he's probably going to start talking in sentences. He is a bit of a screamer and definitely tends to be on the whiny side sometimes but we're working on it. He is a cute little guy though and he is definitely showing more of his personality these days, both good and challenging!