Saturday, October 25, 2014

James and Freedo – 4.5 years – October 13, 2014

He was super giggly so it was hard to get a good picture of him where you can see his eyes through his glasses but I do really love his natural smile in this one. And I can't believe that we are only 6 months away from him turning 5 and starting Kindergarden in just under a year. 

Wow, where in the heck has time gone?!

I know I post a lot on this blog and on Facebook about how wonderful of a little guy that James is, but I think that most people that have met him or spent time with him would agree with me. I am so very proud of who he is and can't wait to see the kind of man he turns into. He does of course have a cranky and mouthy side to him which I think is to be expected at this age, but overall he is obedient, funny and charming as all heck. 

He is extremely loving and kind to everyone that he comes into contact with and always has a hug for anyone, even a stranger in the mall if they ask for one. He tells me multiple times every single day how much he loves me and refuses to go to sleep at night without his hug and kiss. He loves to snuggle in the morning and is still very attached to his Nana. He loves all of his family and loves to talk about who everyone is and how they are related. 

I worry about his kind little heart getting stomped on when he gets to school next year but I am already teaching him every day about how is he is a good boy inside and how to act as a good boy. I hope he will be the boy that will stick up to the bullies with no fear of being picked on himself. I know my heart will ache when his does but I also know we all went through it and survived and he will too. I try hard to teach him to be nice to everyone and if we have any problem at all it's that he sometimes doesn't give people their space. The teachers at school said they had to talk to him about his hugging and picking up of the other kids, especially the 3 year olds. I've never met a kid yet that he didn't like or that he spoke badly of. I love his innocence so much, it's so refreshing these days!

He is sensitive and sweet to his little friends, especially the little girls in his class. I know he is well liked when I drop him off at school and a little girl that I don't know says to her dad "oooohhh, James is here today" after I had already taken him inside. She clearly recognized me and was happy to know that he was inside already. He has a wonderful imagination and plays very well alone, as well as now with his brother. I won't lie and say there are no fights or disagreements, but usually it is Jordan as the instigator. James is gentle with him and still insists on hugs and kisses multiple times per day and regularly tells Jim and I that he thinks we need "just one more baby....or twins!" hahahaha, yeah right little buddy, we'll see about that one!

Speaking of babies, now let's go back to the very beginning and see how much James has changed over the last 4.5 years. I Love You big guy! 

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

18 months

2 years

2.5 years

3 years

3.5 years

4 years

4.5 years