Friday, October 10, 2014

Double J Photos – Week 38 – Sep 14 - 20

Starting off with some cute together photos of J&J.

These two love being on the trampoline together. Next year will be even better when Jordan has figured out how to actually jump up and down on it.

This picture made me laugh out loud so hard that I had to phone my mom and laugh at her because she had inadvertently put James in one of Jordan's shirts. James insisted to Nana that it was his shirt so she left him to and it and somehow he actually got that 24month shirt onto his very skinny little 4.5 year old body. HAHAHAHA. She actually had no idea it wasn't his shirt!

Another photo she texted to me, of then sitting together on the chair watching a TV show.

Playing Go Fish with Daddy

Road trip with Mommy to the Island for is eye appointment

Helping me make spaghetti

This kid just loves to help cook supper, here he is helping Nana bread the fish

I seriously LOVE this photo of James and am so happy that Nana now has an iPhone so she can text me these kinds of photo.

Here is Nana with said iPhone attempting to get a good "selfie" with James!

Another photo I love that she sent to me, Jordie blowing kisses to Nana

Too cute!

Nana and Jordie pointing at the airplanes

James is apparently taking after his Mama and is turning into quite a good little photographer!

2014 Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front of my eyes"