Thursday, July 10, 2014

James got it right when he told me today...

...that "his Nana and Papa are just the best parents ever for you" 

He is absolutely right on that. They are not only the best, most supportive and helpful parents in the world, but also some of the funnest grandparents too. I got to their house tonight with our Subway dinner in hand and really no desire to get changed to climb into the pool with the boys so I asked Papa to go in with them instead. Well actually I told him I'd pay him $5 if he did it. He gave me a hard time but off he went to change into his swim suit while I got the boys ready.

Not 5 minutes outside with the boys, and the warm water of the pool calling her name and Nana was in her clothes. This isn't the first time in the past few weeks that either of them have been in the pool with the boys, and by the time they get out everyone is soaked and happy out of their minds, including Nana and Papa.

Today I avoided getting in the pool, but it didn't stop Papa or James from spraying me with the water toy. I tried to put my camera in front of me but even that didn't help! After our little pool party we sat on the deck and ate supper together, then I gave the boys baths there and got them ready for bed while my parents tidied up the dishes. I hope they realize just how much these afternoons and dinners mean to both me and my boys. I know I couldn't do this single mother thing nearly as good as I think I am doing it, without their help sometimes! They truly are just the best.

And a couple of pictures from the pool adventures today!