Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A very fitting quote for today

"The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and your attention."

I've noticed a change in James's attitude lately when it comes to other people paying attention to his brother instead of him. He has started to show some jealousy in the way of acting out (usually just with me but sometimes others have seen it too) and being rude and just not acting like himself. I know a lot of changes have happened for him in the past few months with my returning to work and his brother becoming both more mobile and a lot more interactive and aware of what is going on around him. Thankfully he rarely shows any outward aggression towards Jordie which would cause me much more concern than just the random rude comments and lippy attitude he gives off.

I realize that with my time being far more limited it is really important for me (and others too) to spend more one on one time with James when we can. Even if it's just a sleepover at N&P's or an hour of Mommy/James time after Jordie has gone to bed. I am hoping that if more of an effort is made in this then maybe he will realize that he doesn't need to feel threatened or jealous when it comes to his brother and the time that he does or does not get from me.

We are slowly working on getting Jordie down to one nap a day the past few days so he's wanting to go to bed super early so tonight I put him to bed at 7 and then James and I had an hour to just hang out. We played the Bubble Guppies board game, read a Bearenstain Bears book...and the most fun thing of all....we got tattoos! This coming from the kid who couldn't stand any stickers, stamps or wristbands or anything on him just a few months ago! He is growing up so fast and I couldn't be more proud of the little guy that he is, even if he does have his times where he is showing very typical big brother/little kid behaviour!