Another day and another walk for this Mama! I am committed to getting out every day and the sunshine makes this so much easier. I throw on my bluetooth headphones, comfy runners and off I go. Sometimes it's a long walk, sometimes I take some of my people with me, and sometimes I just go by myself and only walk around the block. I have wanted for YEARS to make daily exercise a priority in my life but have never been successful at it. I always felt like if it couldn't be a long walk then what was the point, and once a day or two went by that I didn't do it then I just decided to say to hell with it and give up. This time I'm taking it day by day and if I don't want to do it I tell myself to just walk around the block, just 10 minutes. Just do something to move my body and take a few minutes to breathe and just be me. I am LOVING the new time I'm spending and feel value in myself and my life like I never quite have before. And a deep appreciation for all that my body has done for me over the past 40 years and being committed to staying active for the rest of my years!