Saturday, August 30, 2014

Double J Photos – Week 31 – Jul 27 – Aug 2

This was the week before I left on our trip to Duncan for Sunfest and Nana and Papa came home on the 29th and we just stayed here for those last two nights before I left as my parents were watching the boys while I was away and it was just easier that way. It made for a very busy week full of work and clearly we didn't do too much as all I have for photos are a few iPhone pics.

At least this proves that they did get outside at least a little bit :)

Serious Jordie

Sleepy snuggler Jordie

Total troublemaker Jordie

Lisa joined us for dinner

And Nana is HOME so all is right in our world again!

These kids LOVE ice cream, just like their Daddy does!

 2014 Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front of my eyes"