I'm going to write up this week a little bit different as we did a lot of fun things and there a few pictures of each boy from most of them so will write them up event by event instead of separating them out by boy.
Trip to Nanaimo for Grandma Tracy's Celebration of Life
Visiting Auntie Tana and Cody at Haywire for a wienie and marshmallow roast. This kid LOVED the massive marshmallow he ate that he had a power nap on the way home and then was awake till 10pm!
We were just driving along talking and listening to music and all of a sudden I said "isn't that right buddy?" and I looked back and saw this! First time he's fallen asleep in the car forever!
James's preschool parent appreciation and last day of school party
Up the lake cabin weekend...which ended early for Jordan cause he got sick and was teething terribly so we came home after 2 nights.
2014 Double J
Photo Project
"Watching my boys
grow up right in front of my eyes"