Week 2 of spring break found the boys in day camp and Kennedy at daycare for 3 full days. By the end of the 3rd day she was an exhausted mess but had so much fun playing for full days with her little daycare buddies. The boys had a blast at camp too and I even got to see them when I was working there on Tuesday and Thursday which was great. The camp leaders told me that they tried to engage them in the group craft activities but all they wanted to do was run around playing sports ALL DAY. They also got to do extra swimming each afternoon after camp so by Friday everyone was tired and ready for a quiet day! I worked a ton at VIU leading up to year end on the 31st, plus 3 shifts at the Complex too. It was a crazy long and exhausting week that led to a super fun Easter weekend. Jim worked Friday and Saturday and I worked on Sunday but we did enjoy an amazing family day together on Monday!
She was so excited for her lunch for daycare on Tuesday that she insisted that I take a photo of her with it! 
Daddy worked an odd shift this week and was thrilled to make it home early enough to take his little lady in for her first real haircut with Auntie Ra. I just about cried when she showed up at the Complex afterwards to show me. So much had to be cut off to get it to one length! It looks so cute and feels so healthy and fresh! 
Morning snuggles with Mama and a few of her Care Bears
Lunch time walk for Mom!
Stopped in to wish Maddie a happy Birthday and take her flowers but I didn't get any photos with the birthday girl this time! Jordie also scored a new bike that Jaxon had outgrown!
And Kennedy did too!
Best buds since babies
Showing off her daycare Easter goodies
Mom's favorite tea cup
It was that kind of dinner! Subway and movie night :)
Morning playtime with big brother
Another beautiful evening walk
Snuggles with Dad before bed.
Early Mothers Day present for myself!
Another beauty walk through the neighbourhood! I love this view every time I walk down this hill.
The kids were playing at the school and I was walking around when all of a sudden daddy showed up early by taking an earlier ferry than expecting and surprised his two girls with flowers. We are so lucky to have him as ours :)
"Mom, I want to be underwear girl" Okay kid, you do you. She is SO her Daddy's girl sometimes!
Yummy crockpot chicken dish we tried this week!
Chicken, then stove top stuffing
Topped with cream of chicken soup and sour cream mixture. Cook on low for 4 hours and it was super yummy!
Walk to Nana and Papa's house on Saturday to decorate cookies.
Hahahahahaha...we had JUST finished watching Onward before we left for our walk. This makes me laugh so hard.
Cookie decorating with Nana and Papa was so much fun!
Nana giving James a hard time
Nana still giving James a hard time
And still giving it to him! These two have the cutest relationship ever these days as he's getting older!
This was him seriously debating squirting the icing on his Nana :)
The cookies were delicious and came in a kit from a company in Nanaimo that had someone bring them over to town the day before.
Practicing her letters with Nana
Chilling out in MY spot on the couch!
Sunday morning I was up ridiculously early and decided to get a walk in before everyone was up for the day and off for our egg hunt and then my day of work.
Easter at Nana & Papa's house!
The egg hunt was again a huge hit. Each kid gets two colors to search for which works out great and has little to no fighting over fairness in the number of eggs they each find. Lesson learned early on when we only two kids who loved to compete and fight about anything!
Seriously...have you ever seen a happier, more excited little girl with an egg! I even captured the jump and I just love this photo!
And such a cool big kid too? My god he's looking so grown up these days!
This kid was the one that just kept calling out whenever he saw an egg whether it was his color or not :)
Annual egg hunt family photo!
Had to get some with Nana and Papa too of course!
I love this one so much of the 5 of them! We don't take a ton of photos with them, especially this past year, but this is one of my favorites ever!
These two and their daily piggy back ride
Pretty pumped about her new Natives
After the egg hunt I went off to work and then the kids and Dad went swimming that afternoon.
Daddy and Kennedy made her new Lego set right after swimming
Monday was our only day off together on the weekend and we spent a glorious day at second beach with Ash and the kids.
The kayaks were a big hit again this year. Kennedy is thrilled that she's now big enough to paddle all by herself. Jim said the water was freezing cold, and I believed him and didn't even dip my toe in to check!
This was the highlight of the day for the kids. We let them sit in the back of the truck just up the dirt road to the pole line. They all laughed and had so much fun and it reminded Jim and I of when we were kids and this was just something every family did!
Hahahahaha Jordie thought he was so sneaky with the open cooler beside him and taking out raw wienies for everyone.
We got home from the beach with just enough time for a few quick showers and then James and I took off on foot for a beautiful walk to N&P's for Easter dinner.
Easter dinner and we got kind of dressed up...or as much as really anyone does these days.
Patiently waiting for dinner
Thrilled with quiet time after spending hours at the beach
Nana's best helper doing dishes after dinner
After dinner I drove James home while Jim and the littles headed towards home on foot. I dropped James and then walked to meet them on Joyce. We got as far as Lytton and decided to take a detour up the hill to take an extended neighbourhood walk. It was a beautiful night and Kennedy didn't start whining until just the last 2 blocks, so a quick little piggy back ride was just the reset we needed to get her all the way home!
Wow, what an incredible second week of spring break for the Barrows family. We are so blessed to live where we do and have access to family and friends in a small circle during these really difficult times we are all living in.