Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Little love notes from my sweetest middle child

A few years back one time when Hads and Kins were here with us in the morning w were looking through agendas and I saw that D wrote in them every morning. Sometimes it was just to tell them where they were going after school and sometimes it was just an I love you note. That very day I decided I would do the same, and I've now been doing it for the past 2 years. 

Jordie learned to read really early so even at the start of Grade 1 he could read my notes. By Christmas time last year he was even replying to them too, which of course made my heart soar for many reasons. I've snapped a few photos since then of some of our exchanges and every time I need a little boost I know exactly where to look.

Jordie boy, you are so very sweet to your Mama and I hope you always will be! 

This was from yesterday and made me tear up when I read it after school.

 And one for Daddy too. Often on afternoon shift weeks then Dad takes on the agenda writing. Moon back was how non-speaking toddler Jordie said I love you. 

This week he was on a roll and replied almost every day to Jim and I's notes

Seriously so glad I snapped these photos along the way. 

These are the memories that I want to keep forever and are the reason I have this blog in the first place! I hope years down the road my kids appreciate the ability to click on their name and see hundreds of posts about them as kids (and hopefully teenagers if they allow me to post about them!)

And just for fun...here's toddler Jordie saying moon back (it's a fave video I have of him)