Saturday, January 2, 2021

2021 Crib Tournament - how many games can we play in 365 days?

If you know us at all you will know that Jim and I's favorite way to spend quality time together is to play crib. He taught me how to play when we had only been together less than 6 months and we have played thousands of games together over the years.

This year for our anniversary we splurged and bought this awesome huge crib board off of Wayfair. It comes with a stand that you can use between two chairs but we tend to use it on a table between us instead. It was not cheap but we both agree that it was our best purchase of the whole year! We both think that we played more crib in the last 6 months than we did in the last 2 years. 

Before we had kids we used to write down all of our crib games and even played for points/money (which we never actually gave each other). This year we decided to do a year long tournament with each point being worth 5cents (10cents for each hole if skunked!) Then on January 1, 2022 we'll tally all of our games and see who the ultimate money and game winner is. Then that person gets to go and spend that money on whatever they want....with zero guilt! 

This photo was from our first time playing on the new board! Funny story, it arrived to PR after we had left to Texada for camping, but our awesome friend Dena grabbed it from our porch and brought it over to us when she came for a daytrip visit!

We stole away to Lund the other day for a lunch date (thanks Nana and Papa for taking the kids) and the Boardwalk Restaurant has crib boards so you can play while you wait for your food. Jim kicked my ass and skunked me :( 

This is what a lot of our games here at home look like. A child, or two, around coloring or playing on their tablets or eating. They like to be where we are and we don't mind that one little bit. 

Jim says if yesterday is any indicator (I lost both games we played...I'm not off to a good start) then we should call it the 2021 ass-whooping extravaganza! This was from New Years Eve when he kicked my ass horribly (probably my worst loss in a long time!) Thankfully this skunk doesn’t count as we started the tourney on January 1 😉

Note: I started writing this post yesterday afternoon after we’d played two morning games that I lost, then last night we played two more and I beat him good both games! Not quite a skunk but still both games had significantly more points! 

My bet is on Jim winning this whole thing, but you just never know how the year will play out!