Jim and I love playing crib together, but life gets in the way of that sometimes and we end up going weeks or months without playing any games. So tonight on our way home from the city we decided to start a weekly tournament and at the end of the year we’ll see who has won the most amount of games and by how much. Before we got married we used to play all the time and kept track of our scores in a book and even played for money (that never changed hands of course....was more for bragging rights than anything else.)
Tonight I won the first game but then we ran out of time to finish the second one, so I took this picture so we know where we can start again tomorrow for our game 2. Our goal is to play a best of 3 series each week so after the year we should have somewhere between 100-150 games! Maybe in 6 months I’ll do an update to show our YTD totals. ☺️