Sunday, July 3, 2016

May 2016 Monthly Memories

Are you surprised that I'm a whole month behind on these posts? I'm not surprised at all, especially when you see how many photos I have to share for May! It was craziness around here!

Starting off this month with my post about my trip to Sherwood Park to see the Gizowski's. 

Then immediately upon my poor kids got the flu!

After supper playing at the big kid playground at Westview

Saturday morning baseball and playground at Larry Gouthro and then a quick visit at Nana and Papa's house

Yes, he's checking out my boobs :)

I love this photo of James so much

Fun wheelbarrow rides from Papa

Annual Garage Sale at N&P's house...these first few were from the night before when we spent the night so we didn't miss the first shoppers at 6:10am

Tired little guy fell asleep in Nana's arms...but he didn't want to have a nap...only wanted a little sleep snuggle.

Random t-ball photos from May

Jordie's preschool orientation night! Blog post here.

James's school field trip to the yoga studio and Willingdon Beach. Jim was off for the day so he got to go along too which was fun for him too!

James got his red stripe for control 

Jordie's Paw Patrol Paw-ty was a HUGE success and so much fun for him and his little friends. I had a total blast planning it and was so happy with how it all came together...with help of course from my parents and the Reimers! Full blog post about the party is here.

The Reimer's were here for the May long weekend and here are a whole bunch of random pictures from their visit. Pizza night at N&P's house.

Chris & Teresa went out to the mess dinner at the cadets so we had a sleepover with the Reimer kids at our house

Back at Nana's house to say goodbye to N&P who were leaving on vacation

Yummy steak dinner out on the deck

More cousin snuggles

Highlights from Jordie's 3rd Birthday - full blog post here!

The boys got new bunk beds...and then didn't get to sleep in them for 2 weeks cause we were house sitting at N&P's house

Willingdon Campsite visits with Aaron & Kayla

Pizza and ice cream sundae Friday night dinner with the Slack Family

James's yellow stripe belt testing. Full blog post about this coming up very soon!

Out to Magpie's for a celebration brunch

His very first chocolate milk shake

Gracie girl's 1st Birthday Party!

Came home hot and sweaty from the party and the boys decided they wanted their heads shaved

T-ball Rally Day - so much work (mainly for Jimmy and Bill Parkin)...but so much fun!

Yes, the kids got new jerseys right at the end of the night...and more than half way through the season

Photos and videos from Jordie's t-ball at the Complex

Now on to the random iPhone photos from the month!

Photo used for his birthday party invite

Snuggles with Daddy in bed

Seriously the kid just can't go all day without a nap

This day it was only 11:50am when he fell asleep!

Feeling better so he made a huge fruit smoothie, then went to school and barfed everywhere...yuck!!

Strong Start, we only got to stay a few minutes before the school called to say James was sick (luckily the SS room was right next door to his classroom)

Finally on the mend and bought mom some flowers for Mother's Day

Mother's Day morning...just an hour before Jordie started throwing up everywhere

Morning snuggles on the porch while James waited for Aidan to walk over and get him

Random selfie on a good curly hair day

One last sneaky snuggle before the new bunk beds arrived. Can't do this anymore on his top bunk!

Snuggles in the reading cube in James's classroom

Adorable photo of Jordie

He's feeling better again and happy with his mini cucumbers

My boys love healthy snacks

This was a family portrait that James did. I loved it so much I took it to work to put on my board

Jimmy and I went on a date night. Wings at the Shinglemill to start

And then the movie The Boss at the theatre

We're getting there with potty training!

Drawing again...I love the pictures he's coming up with lately!

A rare caught off guard smile from my Jimmy

I needed a photo for my daily calendar so had Jenn take one for me!

She sent me two

In my had been a crazy week and I was absolutely exhausted!

This one loves his mommy snuggles

Yes, my child requested a cheese and bacon bit sandwich, so I did it!

Rainy day snuggles

Yes, I know they aren't allowed on Diesel's bed like this, but they were snuggled up so cute that I didn't have the heart to make them I took a photo instead :)

The Parkins came over to help plan for Rally Day

Snacks at the baseball field

Jimmy got up at 5am to blow up the balloons for Rally Day for me

Picture printed and application form filled out for Jordie to start at Busy Bee's in September!