Tuesday, July 5, 2016

His love of karate keeps growing!

When James first showed an interest in karate I was certainly a little bit leery about whether I thought he was ready for it, or whether he needed a bit more time to mature into it. We talked A LOT in the weeks leading up to his evaluation about having to concentrate and really focus and listen to what he is being taught, and that we weren't going to pay the money for him to goof off. From that very first class we've seen a new James when it comes to this sport in particular. He just understands that this is different than soccer, hockey and swimming. I don't know if it's just me, but I think that if he sticks with this and really focuses on it, that he could end up being really great at it. We'll see where his passion lies down the road (because he certainly won't be able to continue doing all of these sports in the coming years!)

He started classes in January on Sunday afternoons and fell in love with it. He practiced his punches and kicks often and would show anyone that asked him about it. He also memorized 1-10 in Japanese in preparation for his first belt testing. By mid-May Sensei said that he was ready to go for his first belt, and also to move up to the next level of classes, on Monday's and Wednesday's for 45 minutes (compared to the 1x per week on Sunday for 30 minutes). We've got Nana and Papa on board to do the after school pick up and take to karate but I'm sad that for the most part I won't get to see him anymore as I usually work until 6pm :(

Anyways, I'm sure Nana will take pictures for me and tell me all about it! Here we are with some photos and videos of him from May when he got his last tape stripe and his belt testing for his yellow stripe belt.

Here he is getting his red stripe on his belt for concentration.

And here is a little video of it too!

A few more pictures from that day

Pretty excited to get his third stripe...and just in time, because the following week it was belt testing time

On Sunday, May 29, he tested for his first belt, the yellow stripe...


James's turn to shine!

There was a little guy beside him that seemed a little bit shy so Sensei asked for someone to do it with him so of course James volunteered...and this ended up being his best run through of the moves the whole time.

Time to answer his question (he had to recite from 1-10 in Japanese...he had practiced just in case this was the question he was asked and he did really well at it!)

He did so good!

He did it! He got his yellow stripe belt!

Off to Sempai Chloe to get his new belt! 

I was taking a photo with the Dojo's camera at this time

Our first of hopefully many photos with Sensei after each new belt!

Getting his certificate

Such a happy and proud moment for James!

Very happy and super proud Mom and Dad!

Jim and I literally could not be prouder of how James is doing with karate. We both teared up when Sensei gave him his new belt and I can't wait for the many more belt testings to come in our future with this little guy (and his little brother who can't wait to join when he's 4)!

One more awesome thing I want to mention here....at the belt testing the kids testing for the belt above him were doing a new routine called Jo Ju Gay (no idea on the spelling!) and James had never seen it before. The week following his belt testing he went in on the Monday afternoon for a practice class of the next level up and apparently one of the Sempai's went over it with him a few times and he has been practicing it non-stop since then. I couldn't believe that he could do the whole thing with just a few times running through it. Kids memories amaze me!

Here is a video I caught of him doing it...I'm not sure if it's totally right for now, but I think it looks pretty close from what I remember!

After his successful belt testing he got to go out for a special brunch with just Mom and Dad because we were smart enough to leave Jordie at home with a babysitter :) Of course we went to everybody's favourite...Magpie's!

His very first chocolate milkshake