Thursday, January 21, 2016

Turning 35 just sucked...but not because I'm old....

...just simply because it was a crappy day! After a wonderful weekend away with the girls I came home and caught the cold that all three of my J's had last week. I knew it was coming and felt crappy Monday and Tuesday so wasn't expecting miracles when I woke up yesterday morning. My head was stuffy, my nose was runny and I just felt tired and yucky, even though I went to bed at 9 the night before. Thankfully at this point it's just a head cold with my head feeling really big and just being super tired.

The day started off good with flowers and cards from my boys.

Then we got to school and there was a situation with James that bothered me and put me in a crappy mood for the rest of the day, but I was wearing my new sweater and boots so attempted a selfie to see if I looked as crappy as I felt. Jim said no, I looked good. Yeah right, but thanks honey!

James came to my work after school and as you can tell from this picture he just didn't look good. He hadn't eaten more than a few bites of his whole lunch and he said he didn't feel good. I thought maybe he was just tired and sent him off with Jim. Less than an hour later the poor guy was throwing up at home with his Daddy.

I left work early at 5:45 because I had a terrible stomachache. I walked in to yummy smelling brownies that Jimmy had made for me because James was too sick to make the cake he had wanted to make me. I attempted some photos with me and my boys because I take them every year with them but no one was really that into it (which I don't blame any of us!)

Poor James threw up again about 2 minutes after this photo was taken. Just the act of standing up for a few minutes for a photo and he felt sick again!

Luckily these two didn't catch whatever little flu bug James had!

Jim went and got Subway for dinner for me, Jordie and him while James drank ginger ale and ate some crackers. I was in my PJ's by 6pm, we watched cartoons while we ate dinner and then we were ALL IN BED BY 8:30!! I was just feeling terrible and didn't have a great night sleep with James awake again at 11 moaning like he was going to throw up again. Thankfully he didn't though!

Anyways...just a terrible day turning 35. Work was long and sucky and having sick kids is never fun at all! Let's hope 36 is a better day and that my birthday is not an indicator as to how 2016 is going to go for me...and my boys!