The extended Slack family including Maria and Mike
Just chilling out watching some Frozen
hehehehehehe...Jordie loved snuggling with Lexi
And today we met at the Willingdon Beach trail for our 3rd annual New Years Day beach walk. This year the T's were able to join us because last year they were sick and the year before they were out of town I believe. And thankfully I also re-read last year's post and saw that I suggested to myself that we go for the walk before the polar bear swim instead of afterwards so the kiddies nap times wouldn't be interrupted. It was a great idea and I'm really glad we did! We met at 10:30 and walked till about 11:45, then we stood in the sunshine and waited to see all the crazies jump into the freezing cold water! At least the sun was out...even if was below zero temperatures!
I hope the weather always ends up being this nice on January 1! We look forward to this tradition and hope for many more years of family walks together on New Years Day!