Thursday, January 7, 2016

Snow Night!

The snow was falling for less than 12 hours earlier this week and pretty much our whole town shut down. My office closed early so we were able to eat dinner early and then James was begging to go and build a snowman and because we knew it would all be melted by the end of school the following day we broke out the snow suits and off we went at 7pm!

In the end James didn't really want to build a snowman at all...he really just wanted to throw snow balls at his Dad and brother. I said I would only go if no snow balls were thrown at me! I was already in my PJ's and had wet hair from my shower so really didn't want to get soaking wet and cold!

Jordan absolutely LOVED the snow and this was really the first year that he really got it and enjoyed being in it. The only other time he's really seen it was the year that he wasn't even walking yet!

Side note: These huge snow balls were already there right in the center of the school field!

He was so hot and sweaty...and so happy! 

Even though the boys had a late night that night and we didn't get anything done that we needed to that night, we had so much fun and that's what having kids is all about! We try to get out and do stuff with our boys and this night was a perfect example of that!