Wow, what a year this has been! I found this great app in late January called Collect and I started looking through the month and realized I had a photo from almost every day so far so decided to go for it and see if I could take a picture every day for the rest of 2015...and I did it! I didn't post very many of them on IG or FB but I was faithful in making sure I took at least one photo each day. And at the end of the year, the tags for the year were as follows: Brothers 80 ~ Daddy 50 ~ Family 27 ~ Friends 42 ~ James 130 ~ Jordan 130 ~ Mommy 82 ~ Nana 9 ~ Papa 9. I tried hard to make sure the numbers of the boys were close to even but was surprised in the end that it was exactly the same. Way to go Mommy!
I have already started 2016 and have decided that instead of weekly posts of the boys I'm just going to do this monthly photo post, as well as one of a monthly favorites. Maybe then I'll actually do it...because this year I got so behind on the weekly ones I'm still not even up to Halloween yet!
So, if you want to see around 360 photos of me and my boys, have fun looking through this really long post!!