Friday, November 6, 2015

There were quite a few things I was looking forward to when James started Kindergarten...

 ...things like class field trips, being part of the PAC, making new Mom friends and of course the long standing ritual of school pictures!

 On the day of his pictures we went and got his glasses adjusted and my only request was that before they snapped the picture could he please push his glasses up on his nose so I could see his beautiful blue eyes. I stayed with the class that morning and he was so excited and ran to be at the front of the line so I knew he was completely wired and I wondered how he would do...and I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised at how cute these photos turned out. They are so James.

Seriously! SO ADORABLE I just want to kiss his cheeks! :)

Side note: I didn't know until my much more experienced mom friend Theresa told me that the photographers tell the kids to stick their thumbs in their pockets. I was surprised at the pose and that he came up with it so glad to hear he follows directions well! :)