Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Nine truths & one lie

I saw this on a favorite blog of mine and thought I'd do it and see if anyone can guess or knows which one is the lie :)

1. I am a proud Canadian and my favorite song to sing to my boys is Oh Canada! By the time James was 3 he could sing the whole song alone. It is a constant bed time song for both of them now and Jordan asks me to sing it by saying "OHHHH" while we are snuggling in his chair at night.

This Canadian flag was designed by an old college friend of mine, Curtis Wilson! He sells these flags as well as T-shirts with this design on it too, as well as original native carvings. Check out his
FB page and his website! He is an incredible artist and was one of my closest friends back in the day!

2. In my life time I have had a large amount of siblings between my parents original marriage and their second marriages, including 4 brothers and 3 sisters.

3. My first cousin Kevin Reimer is a world champion long-boarder who goes by the name K-Rimes.
I have never seen him race but would really like to sometime soon as I've seen videos and he really is incredible at what he does. Google this kid, his videos are all over the internet!

4. I now am employed by the only post secondary institution I have ever attended for my education, although back when I first went it was called Malaspina University-College.

5. I hate the open ends of pillow cases being near my face and the spiky kind of field cucumbers! I also used to really not like long stringy noodles like spaghetti and fettucine but I've gotten over that one mostly but if given the choice will pick macaroni or rotini noodles any day.

6. I have had 4 major surgeries in the past 10 years that have had me in the hospital for almost 3 weeks total. Before that time I had never had any major surgery, only minor ear tube surgeries when I was a small child.

7. I wore braces on my teeth for almost 4 whole years from the age of 12-16. I told the orthodontist when he put them on just before my 12th birthday that I didn't care how long I had them as long as they came off before I turned 16. They came off on January 10, just 10 days before my birthday.

8. Bathing my kids is my favorite daily part of motherhood. I love to see them having fun and splashing around and when they get me wet I just laugh and keep on letting them play and enjoy themselves.

9. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease many years ago and have been really lucky that it's been in remission now for a few years and it no longer rules my life like it did for quite awhile.

10. My Grandmother recently passed away at the age of 93. She had 4 remaining siblings still alive, all in their late 80's or early to mid-90's. I hope that I inherit her long-living and healthy genes!
SO...can you guess which one is the lie?! Best of luck! :)