Monday, June 8, 2015

Jordan's Bubble Guppies 2nd Birthday Party!

Ever since James started watching the Guppies almost 3 years ago I wanted to do a themed birthday party and I'm so happy that Jordie loves them too and this year I was able to fulfill my wish!
First up are the two posters that Jim and I made for the party. Jim and I are a great team together when we come up with ideas for decorations for our boys parties. When James turned 2 and we had a Hungry Caterpillar party we did two posters too and they are hung up downstairs in the playroom where these two will be hung as well.

More of the decorations that we bought for the party. I love the PartyCity store in Nanaimo!

These were books that we got Jordie for Christmas that works great as decorations.
The sign on the door

And the best decoration of all....the awesome birthday cake that our friend Jen made for the party!

We made the cupcakes and ended up not needing them at all! We ate them for days afterwards!
The wonderful Nana who of course was a huge help with putting the food together for the party
And here's the birthday boy all ready for his friends to arrive
And loving the balloons of course

I love this picture so much. This was a cute little hat that we got with Bubble Puppy on it. He loved it of course!
For some reason this is his new favorite thing to do, lie on balloons!

We had to get a picture in the same spot as we did with James at his 2nd birthday party. I'll do a comparison shot soon!

And I absolutely LOVE this new family photo of us! It is my screensaver at work and will soon be on the sidebar of the blog I'm sure!
Jim's brother Tom and his wonderful girlfriend Allie came to celebrate with us at the party!
He snuck behind Uncle Tom so he could get to the cheese puffs

Kaleb Slack was of course at the party
And so was Ms. Maddie Tassell
I think we had more than enough food for the 15 or so people that came to the party!
His chair all set and ready for lunch
The weather was beautiful so the boys headed outside to play in the yard
Jordie's last little buddy, Alex Devlin was there too
The handsome birthday boy
James and his best buddy Dane-O
I love this kid so much! Jaxon Tassell is always such a cool little guy!
Grandpa checking out Jordie's lunch
heheheheehe....Kaleb wiping his fingers on his Dad's shirt
And the look on Kev's face when he realized he was covered in cheese puff mess

Moved into the living room to sit with everyone else

Then we attempted some group photos of Kaleb, Jordan and Maddie...and as you'll see it didn't
work at all!

And this was the best one of the 6 of us...and you can see that not one kid was looking...but at least me and Theresa and Ashleigh look good!

Nana checking out the art work (she was so great with helping me put up the decorations the night before the party)
The Barrows family sitting outside drinking beer and having some lunch

Such a cute picture of my big guy!
This kid's batting is incredible. He can throw the ball at the end of the bat and hit it!
Jordie came in for his cake and just wanted to hug Jaxon, it was so cute!

Time to sing!
He was happy to see it coming

This is me telling him to spit out the part of the candle that he ate...and no he didn't spit it out...he actually chewed it up and swallowed it! YUCK!
Digging in with a spoon instead.

Yummy blue cake!
He didn't want his huge piece, instead he wanted Nana's cake.

Alena and Alex can see the hat better in this picture
A little cake and cupcake party on the floor in the dining room instead of on the carpet in the
living room

I love her little smile
Such a happy kid he is
The boys babysitter Vanessa stopped by too and got some photos with James.

His favorite thing to do, even in a room full of people
This was so cute...he all of a sudden just started chasing Dane all over the room and giggling so loud

Opening his present from Auntie Ra and Uncle Bill
He hugged this little monkey and then just threw it down and tried to stand up like he was done
We had to tell him to look further into the bag to see the other parts of the present

This is a super cool book with a car that zooms along on it.
Diesel was so good throughout the party as he always is

Attempting a photo with Auntie Ra and Uncle Bill

And one with Vanessa too

Vanessa loves taking photos so she took our camera outside and just snapped a bunch of her and James together

Jordie was so excited to play hockey with Uncle Tom in the driveway

Time to open the presents from Uncle Tom and Allie

They both loved their singing cards the best!

Now for the annual Barrows men photos. You'll see it took quite a few to get a good one!

A few of James and Uncle Tom

The rest of the afternoon was just spent playing on the deck with the bowling set and hockey nets and sticks set the boys got
Oh yeah and of course playing baseball in the backyard

He really is quite good at this already!


The boys had so much fun playing with Tom and Allie and we were so happy that they came to celebrate with us and I hope they decide to come up again in the summer for another visit!

Big hugs goodbye for Nessa!

He's looking tired and ready for the party to be over
BUT then he went back outside and started playing again!
This one took a few shots too before we got a good one!

Back inside and just relaxing at Nana's house

Back home and dinner just arrived so he's on the way!
A tired and grumpy boy was just ready for bed!
Overall it was another fantastic Barrows Family birthday party! Thank you so much to our friends and family for joining us to celebrate our special little 2 year old!