Sunday, November 2, 2014

Slack Family Photos 2014

Once again my friends Kevin and Theresa Slack asked me to take their family photos and after years of taking them I of course jumped at the chance. I know I'm not the best photographer out there but I think I do a pretty good job. I love these kids, and their parents too, and always enjoy capturing these moments for them. Here are my favorites from the shoot.


14 month old Kaleb

8 year old Linden

7 year old Dane

International student Maria

Kids together

Cropped from a bigger group photo but they both look so natural in this photo

Adorable Daddy/Son moment

One of my very favorite photos ever taken of this family

Attempting to get some Daddy and boys photos...this one was the best and it went downhill from here!

hahahaha...this one is my favorite!

I LOVE this photo of Theresa and her boys! So honoured to have the pleasure of photographing them again this year.

Theresa's happy to have another girl in the house

Love this whole next series of photos

My favorite one though!

Now here is the real best part of the whole shoot...our annual Kevin and Theresa photo attempts. Kevin loves to give me a hard time about smiling for photos but I usually always get at least one or two good ones!

He talks so big and tough but this man loves this woman more than anyone else in the whole world...and this picture just proves it!

hahahaha...this one might be my favorite of them all! 

The beautiful Theresa!

See how good looking Kevin is when he actually smiles!

Now onto some Mom and boys and Dad and boys shots!

Kaleb was just done and ready for some Mommy snuggles!

Thanks again Slack family for having me capture your yearly family photos! You know how much I love coming over to your house and seeing my photos on your walls. Love you guys!