Anyone who has known me for awhile knows that over the past 12 or so years my relationship with my biological dad has been somewhat strained and very off and on. Just about 2 years ago he decided to move to Mexico in a time of our lives where none of us had a relationship with him and I was hurt and upset but tried to mend fences before he left. A lot has transpired since then and I truly believe that he is a changed man. Over the past two years I have seen a lot of growth and change in Wayne and a real attempt at being part of our lives, and those of his grandchildren.
He comes back from Mexico at least twice a year and always makes the effort to either have us go to Vancouver to see him, or like this time, he made the trip up here to Powell River to stay with us. He was here from Monday till Thursday and we had an absolutely wonderful visit with him. He got lots of hugs and kisses from my boys and I saw his heart melt on numerous occasions when James told him that he would miss him when he left or that he loved him. It's so nice to see this change and I look forward to a future with him in our lives and many more happy memories to come.
Here are some photos from the last night of his visit
And one more just before we left to take him to the airport
Next up, in just under 3 weeks, is an amazing trip he has planned for us all to travel to Mexico to see him. We are headed to the Royal Decameron Resort in Bucerias for a wonderful week long family vacation and we couldn't be happier, or more grateful for this gift that he is giving us.