Sunday, November 2, 2014

Double J Photos – Week 42 – Oct 12 - 18

I had to go back to the last week I did to see who I started with to know who to start with this week. Is it weird that I check that to make sure it looks like I'm "fair" to both boys? Jim and I were just talking about this and he laughed when he realized I do this. I do try to make the posts relatively fair with how many photos but I can admit that these weekly posts usually have more photos of Jordan, but I know it all works out because James has his own preschool posts, as well as swimming and soccer, etc. And I know over the years it will definitely all work itself out!

Anyways, moving on to the best part of the week....the PHOTOS! So, starting off this week with Jordan! 

And moving on to James now! He does love to have his photo taken but he is usually just moving so much that it's hard to get a photo of him that isn't blurry!

Love this recent photo of him!

This kid loves to snuggle with his Mommy still

Same photo that was posted on our favorite meals post from last week. I do love this photo of the boys having a little picnic lunch at their little table in the living room. And it's super cute now they are "cheersing" in the picture too!

 2014 Double J Photo Project
"Watching my boys grow up right in front of my eyes"