Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Staying Connected

We are about a third of the way through our second shift of Daddy being away and we are all coping. Some days I think I'm going to lose my mind completely or James has lost his mind completely, but each day we get through it and we are both still alive at bedtime, so I call that a win day. It's not easy by any means, but we are making it work.

Jim having an iPad and us having the iPhone has made our life still seem so connected with Daddy, even though he is away. This shift he is working nights which has been really nice for the boys and myself because we are able to talk to him twice a day instead of just once after he's worked a 15 hour day. He is staying closer to site this time too so his commute is at least a little bit less than it was when he was housed in Terrace and working in Kitimat. 

On Sunday, James had a busy day with a birthday party and I could tell he was tired and was likely to go into meltdown mode if he didn't have some quiet time. Unfortunately Jim didn't sleep much that day so was awake and killing time before leaving for work so I suggested that Daddy maybe could read a couple of stories to him to calm him down. I took some Robert Munsch treasury books to my parents where we were having Sunday dinner and Jim pulled out his little mini books and this is what happened. It was exactly what both James and I needed in that moment, and because of modern technology we were able to get it, which is amazing.

I love that every single time James starts talking to Jim his first question to him is "Daddy, do you want to see Jordan?" And Daddy always says sure so off he goes to find him. Here is an adorable photo of James showing Jordan their Daddy.

And here is the look on Jordan's face when he sees his Daddy! There is definitely no shyness or wondering about who his Daddy is! Every time Jim's face comes on the screen his face breaks into a smile, and it is absolutely adorable.

Thank you to the technology gods out there that have created products that are allowing our family to still be a family even with one key member not physically being here. We are making due and will continue to do so for as long as it is working for all of us.