Monday, November 18, 2013

I miss the old days, but love who he is at the same time!

Early this morning James asked me if he and I could have a picnic today, complete with blanket and all. Of course I took this rare opportunity to take a few extra minutes and do something fun with James. He spent at least 5 minutes a few times this morning just laying out the blanket and asking if it was time yet for our picnic. Lately I'm feeling like not a great mom and that sometimes he definitely isn't getting the best out of me. I want to do fun stuff with just him, but it's hard with Jordan napping (or not napping) etc. I know it's just excuses and today was a perfect example of just making the time.

Anyways, got off topic there! Today we are sitting there eating our little snack picnic lunch and on comes the song that was huge the summer after James was born in 2010. The song is by Sugarland and it's called Stuck Like Glue. It's a faster tempo song and I have so many memories of dropping what I was doing, picking him up no matter where he was or what he was doing, and just singing and dancing with him to that song. I tell James every time it comes on that when he was a baby we danced and sang to the song. I'm waiting for the day that he recognizes the song too! It's one of those songs that no matter what, you know you will always have those memories of what you did when you hear it.

So today, as I sit there kinda bopping along to the song, and what does James say to me?

"Mooommmm, can you please stop doing that? You are really getting on my nerves!"

Yup, like I said, I miss the old days...but also really really love who he is today too! Definitely a memory for the record books.