Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Memories almost lost...

I am a procrastinator...sometimes a very bad procrastinator! Case in point...

Our computer for the past month or so was starting to flash and sometimes wouldn't want to "wake up" without a little gentle coaxing (aka turning it off and on). So, probably 3 times in the past 2 weeks I've hooked up the external hard drive to back up my last 2 months of photos and just kept thinking, it's okay, I'll get to it. Surely if it's been termpermental this long it will continue to work. Fast forward to Sunday morning with the external again hooked up and my morning net surfing happening, the computer just DIED! Wouldn't turn on, off, nothing, just screen went to black. I was devastated and immediately started to cry as I thought about James's 2nd birthday party photos and our family trip to Nanaimo last weekend and all the other random photos I take of him being GONE. The only saving grace was that I had posted some photos on both FB and on this blog so I knew I had some record of those 2 events. All day I worried about it and wondered how we would afford to fix it or to buy a new one.

On Monday morning I called a great local company called Second Flux and dropped by there on my lunch break expecting to drop my baby off there and hope for the best that even if the computer was dead that they were able to retrieve my photos and a few documents I wasn't sure had been backed up before. Well thankfully the problem turned out to just be the need for a new power cord! For some reason I'm hard on power cords as this is my 3rd one in our 4 year old laptop!?!  This morning bright and early I got up and made sure all of my photos and documents were safely on the external so now I know if it does die all my memories are saved!

Anyways, the moral of this story is....don't procrastinate and always always always back up those precious memories somewhere. I am going to buy a new external and back everything up in two places now because I constantly worry about losing the probably 15,000 photos I have taken in the past 9 years since I went digital. I will also no longer be keeping any important documents on my laptop hard drive because with a computer getting on in age I never want to have this worry again, EVER! For someone like me who is obsessed with photos and keeping track of my families memories, I am glad that I have never had to learn the total hard way about losing everything.

Speaking of photos, here's some awesome new photos of little man from the past weekend! These were all safely on the camera card so luckily wouldn't have lost them!